Our Doula Services
I believe pregnancy and birth are sacred, fundamentally normal, physiological processes, I commit to respect and protect the birth space. I allow labour to take its normal course in order to help each client birth physiologically, safely, and confidently. Essential components of holistic care include attentive, skilled, and evidence-informed support; establishing a caring atmosphere; limiting unnecessary interventions; education and empowerment of the client to make their own decisions about their care; encouraging their self-expression; and respecting their privacy. I practice an intentional, individualised model of prenatal care, with no forced testing or treatment. My goal is to equip each client to make their own decisions about their care by providing unbiased, evidence-informed research and information on the risks and benefits of each test or treatment offered, and giving them the opportunity to discuss and ask questions. This is true informed choice. I do offer discounts or additional incentives for a small number of choices that must be made during you time as a client. Some but not all of those include having a relationship with a provider for co-care, and having a trained and proven doula. During labour and birth, I maintain a non-interventive, hands-off style, while remaining attentive and available should the client or family need any kind of support or encouragement. I assist to protect and maintain their autonomy, freedom of movement and choice of position, freedom to eat and drink in labour; practice no forced exams or interventions, no arbitrary time limits on normal labour and birth. I practice respectful one-on-one individualised care, providing, empowering and encouraging support and suggestions, trust in the client and their body’s ability to birth physiologically; and facilitate a physiologically intact atmosphere that promotes early bonding and involvement of the whole family, establishment of a healthy chest/breastfeeding relationship, and a peaceful, private and familiar environment that is free of disruptions and distractions.
Philosophy of Care

What is included in care?
Our standard antenatal care includes the following services and we encourage our families to personalize the appointment schedule to their needs and desires.
Preconception nutritional analysis and counseling, if desired
24-hour on-call availability from the start of care up to 6 weeks postpartum
Appointments are scheduled as follows, adjusted as needed:
1. every 4-6 weeks until 28 weeks
2. every 2-3 weeks from 28 weeks to 37 weeks
3. every week from 37 weeks gestation until birth
The initial visit consists of an assessment of general health, evaluation of medical and obstetric history, risk assessment, nutritional analysis, any prenatal lab work orders, urinalysis, vitals, fetal growth assessment, fetal heart rate, and discussion of supplies families are responsible for having by the 37 week visit.
Follow-up prenatal appointments consist of ongoing assessment of general health, vital signs, nutritional counseling, monitoring baby's growth, ongoing guidance and discussion regarding a healthy lifestyle, exercises, and how to prepare for physiological labour and birth
Evidence-informed research, information, and discussion on current prenatal and newborn procedures and the opportunity to make an informed choice
Referrals to specialists as indicated, including ultrasound referrals.
Home preparation visit at approximately 36-37 weeks, in addition to follow-up appointment items, to include:
1. Discussion of birth set up, who will attend the birth, who will care for the client during the postpartum period, emergency transport care plan, location of and access to birth supplies

You are both the author and the lead of this story. The birth team is merely the supporting cast, there helping you shine.

Cost of services
Please use our pricing model found here to determine the cost of services to your family.
Access Point A
Access Point C
Access Point B
Access Point D